Lithium Valley’s mission is to develop Kwinana, Western Australia, into the global hub for the secondary and tertiary processing industries of lithium and critical raw materials. We will achieve this by:
Attracting the world’s leading companies to Lithium Valley.
Developing strong relationships with domestic and international supply and trading partners.
Encouraging and stimulating innovation through building an industrial cluster of complementary businesses and industries.
Supporting the growth of companies of all sizes.
Our Mission
Integrity – Position Australia as the premiere partner for business through ethical and transparent business transactions and operations.
Quality – Be the world leaders in delivering quality products through primary, secondary, tertiary and supporting industries.
Innovation and Collaboration – Grow the success of all Lithium Valley companies through synergistic innovation and collaboration within industry, across industries and between industry and educational institutions.
Environmental Stewardship – Preserving the environment for current and future generations through HSE technological innovation and corporate responsibility.